Choosing Cosmetics and Beauty Products

Here are some important things to consider when purchasing cosmetics, skin-care, hair-care, and cleansing products:

- Avoid products that do not list their ingredients on the label. Usually these products are full of nasty ingredients that the manufacturers do not want you to be aware of.

- Avoid perfumes and colognes and other products that list 'fragrance' on the label. Most contain harmful petrochemicals and are loaded with hundreds of different toxic ingredients. If you must wear a scent, choose a natural, high-quality product made with pure essential oils available in health food stores.

Be aware of the fragrances contained in cleaning products, shampoos, conditioners, lotions, creams, beauty masks, deodorants, cosmetics, and other personal-care products.

- Avoid many popular brand deodorants since they contain aluminum, a heavy metal that has been linked with central nervous system disorders and other illnesses. Make sure the natural one you select says 'aluminum-free' or something similar.

- Beware of most 'natural products' that are not sold in health food stores. Many cosmetic manufacturers boldly declare the 'natural' status of their products. They may even look and smell natural but may be loaded with toxic chemicals.
The word 'natural' really does not mean anything, based on the lack of legislation over what 'natural' should mean.

Unfortunately, salespeople and advertisements throw the word 'natural' around quite prolifically. In some cases, the claim is true, but in most it is not.

- Start purchasing your hair products, deodorants, moisturizers, facial masks, hand and body lotions, soaps, bath and shower gels, hairsprays, hair gels, and cosmetics at a health food store.

- Use natural hair dyes or hennas found in health food stores. Many hair salons claim their products are 'natural' but a quick look at the ingredient list reveals items I would never want to come in contact with.